Judges Only

Wellbeing Survey of Australia’s Judiciary Reveals Risk of Distress and Burnout

The first survey into the wellbeing of judges and magistrates reveals a judiciary coping well with high-stress work, but many show signs of distress and risk of burnout

Concerned About a Judicial Colleague – DE-LAP Can Help

Judges sometimes experience stress, depression, balancing work and family, alcohol and/or drug abuse, and even compulsive behaviors. But as a judge, the issues you face are more likely to go unnoticed and untreated because of the very nature of your role in the legal system:
You work in isolation, often shielding your problems.
Colleagues and associates may hesitate to talk with you.
You may be reluctant to seek help because of fear, denial, and embarrassment - even hopelessness.
Equally, you may be concerned about your problems becoming known and negatively impacting your status and reputation.
There is someone to turn to - DE-LAP is for Judges, too, and the Lawyers Assistance Committee has Judges who can help.

On the Bench

You are in the best position to see impairment problems and/or quality of life issues. Lawyers often are reluctant to initiate judicial interventions for fear of retaliation by the impaired judge.
You can help by making a CONFIDENTIAL call to DE-LAP or a member of the Lawyers Assistance Committee or Professional Guidance Committee and using the support of DE-LAP'S Judicial Assistance Group. They understand the issues and are genuinely concerned about helping their judicial colleagues.
Equally important to understand the assistance process is always conducted with confidentiality, respect, and concern. Remember, helping a colleague in need is the honorable thing to do!

An Attorney that Causes Concern - DE-LAP Can Help

As a judge, you are uniquely positioned to recognize impairment in the lawyers who appear before you. Sharing your concerns with DE-LAP can help identify someone who needs help. Referrals - even from judges - are always CONFIDENTIAL.
 Judges who need assistance because of alcoholism, substance abuse, addiction, or mental health issues may reach other judges in recovery or who have gone through treatment by calling a helpline sponsored by the American Bar Association.
 Judges who have volunteered to be a personal resource to other judges throughout the US and Canada are uniquely positioned to share their experiences, strengths, and hope. Both judges in need of help and those interested in serving as Peer-to-peer volunteers should call 1-800-219-6474. All information is confidential and protected by statute.